A group of us was asked by an educationalist on what we understood by the term 'education'. What is education to you personally? Don't quote what the experts say. Each of us was asked to say something about education. We made a few statements. Some were profound, others were familiar.
Our statements about education:
'Education is a life long process, it involves the whole person'
'Education is acquiring new knowledge and skills'
'Education is about change'
'It is not about passing exams, nor is it about getting good scores. It is empowering students to make wise choices in life'
'Education in our schools is all about completing the textbooks, teaching the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmatic (3R's)'
Interesting statements.
Education is indeed a life long process. We do not stop learning. If you choose to stop learning, you have decided to stop living. You become like a 'dead man' walking. That's why I am still attending a course on how to educate others at 56 years old. You choose and you decide whether you want to learn.
Next, education enables you to acquire new knowledge and skills. With new knowledge and the ability to perform new tasks, you become better as a person in school, at home or at your workplace.
-to be continued